World Brand Design have announced this years Global Agency Rankings, and we’re really pleased to find ourselves 4th on the list! Over the course of last week, the society also announced their Agency Awards and we’re proud to report that we’ve won awards for all five of the projects we entered.

Bronze Awards
Both Sandford Orchards and Firebrand Brewing won Bronze in the World Brand Design Awards! These projects were rebrands to help realise some big ambitions for both companies, and despite 2020 not being an average year both Firebrand and Sandford have seen robust sales and had fantastic feedback. To find out more about both of these projects, check out our portfolio.

Silver Awards
Wilfred’s non alcoholic aperitif, Little Bandits dairy-free yoghurts and Svami tonic water showcase a real variety of brand work for us, so we’re very happy that they all won Silver.
These three brands have been going from strength to strength over the past year and we’re looking forward to seeing where 2021 takes them. We’re continuing to work with the teams at all three brands, with some exciting projects in the pipeline. You can find out more on our portfolio page.